Chinese sign: discover the features of your personality

Would you like to know more about the different personality types according to your Chinese sign? In previous articles we have talked about the influence of your zodiac sign on your personality. Here, we want you to know how the year of your birth and its corresponding Chinese sign determines your personality. Do not miss it.
What is Chinese Astrology?
It is believed that the origin of Chinese Astrology dates from the year 2630 BC and that its system remained unchanged for several thousand years.
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It is divided into 12 signs, each of them an animal. Do you want to know some feature of your personality according to your Chinese sign?
Traits of personality according to your Chinese sign
Chinese sign: Rat
Those born under the sign of the Rat are cheerful and helpful. They react well to adversity and always maintain a good humor even in not-so-good situations.
They are people who care very deeply for their loved ones. They’re popular because of their intelligence and vitality.
Chinese sign: Buffalo or Ox
Those born under the sign of Buffalo are patient, loyal and kind. Everyone trusts you because you fulfill what you say and try to do things in the best way so that everyone benefits. Among your virtues is organization and discipline.
Chinese sign: Tiger
Tiger‘s personality is impetuous, impulsive and dynamic. You like to take risks and show off your bravery and your intelligence. Tigers are born leaders that everyone wants to follow.
Chinese sign: Rabbit
Those born under the sign of Rabbit are intuitive, sensitive and very creative. They are quite empathetic, which makes them able to put themselves in the place of others, identify their needs and help them as much as possible. They’re usually good counselors.
Chinese sign: Dragon
Two words that define your personality according to the Dragon‘s sign can be passion and strength. You enjoy a great power of attraction, you are demanding with yourself and with others.
Determined in your goals, you are the kind of person who always gets what you want.
Chinese sign: Snake
Intuitive, wise, subtle and insightful. People born under this sign of Snake see opportunities where others only see problems, and they are extremely practical and sensual.
Chinese sign: Horse
Horses are friendly, very generous and very good communicators.
They like everyone for their sincerity, although sometimes it would be convenient to measure their words because they do not usually filter their opinions, even hurting others.
Chinese sign: Goat
The personality of the Goat is marked by the ability to live in the present moment without letting yourself be carried away by the mistakes of the past or the enigmas of the future.
This feature allows you to fully enjoy what you have. Goats are also creative, honest and social, liking to meet new people.
Chinese sign: Monkey
Monkeys are optimistic, curious and very competitive. We could define it as the sign with the greatest vitality.
Sometimes they are somewhat manipulative, largely because they have an agile mind and can read between the lines.
Chinese sign: Rooster
Roosters like to be noticed. They are exuberant, with very extroverted and social personalities. In general they are good communicators and manage to spread their enthusiasm to others.
We could define them as the soul of the party because it is very difficult to see them quiet or silent.
Chinese sign: Dog
We could say that of all the Chinese zodiac signs the Dog is the most sociable and sympathetic. They are faithful to those who show them affection, having good instincts and being always ready to help others.
Chinese sign: Pig
The Pig likes to enjoy all the pleasures of life. You tend to run away from complications because you know we are in life to enjoy it.
Have you discovered any feature of your personality according to your Chinese sign?
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