Best moon for haircuts in 2024: plan ahead and look great!
Although there is no scientific proof of this influence, there are still many people who rely on the phases of the moon to give their hair a treat. If you are one of them, be sure to see which moon is the best moon for haircuts in 2024 and get the perfect look.
Although this is an old belief, there is much behind it that still keeps it alive. One of the theories is based on the Moon’s influence on the tides. Because we are mostly composed of water, the moon is believed to have an influence on our lives.
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Another possibility, which connects the natural satellite to the female figure, is the cyclical factor. The Moon is divided into four cycles, completed in 29.5 days – a period slightly longer than a woman’s menstrual period.
So, what is your opinion about these theories? Whether you want to follow the belief or just out of curiosity, we list below the influences of each phase of the Moon for those who want to cut their hair or do any other hair transformation.
New Moon 2024
As its name suggests, the New Moon is a time to radicalize, to renew and feel energized for the next phases to come. Do you have your eye on a celebrity’s bold haircut? Have you always been a brunette and now want to be a redhead? Then go for it!
Inside and out, this is a time of renewal. In addition, the phase is especially interesting for those who need to strengthen their hair or recover from some procedure that caused damage to it. Cutting and treating hair during the New Moon will allow it to grow stronger and healthier.
Dyes, cuts, and hairstyles are usually more durable during this lunar cycle, and your hair will be more resistant to more aggressive chemical products. But be careful! Don’t abuse this resistance. Don’t try to do complex procedures at home, such as bleaching and relaxation. Always look for a good professional to make you even more beautiful!
The New Moon is especially favorable for: short and daring cuts, straightening, and chemical treatments.
In 2024 you will have the New Moon on the following days: January 11th / February 9th / March 10th / April 8th / May 8th / June 6th / July 5th / August 4th / September 2nd / October 2nd / November 1st / November 30th / December 30th.
Best moon for haircuts in 2024: Waxing Moon
Again related to its own name, the meaning of the Waxing Moon is valuable for those who want to make their hair grow faster. This is the best Moon for cutting hair with the intention of strengthening.
Take advantage of this phase to maintain your haircut, be it short, medium, or long. Trim the ends and even give it a trim, if you like, but do not make radical changes. During this period, the roots strengthen, the hair grows quickly, and gains more shine.
It is also believed that because hair grows faster, it can also thin the strands. If you choose to follow this belief, it can be interesting to use the Waxing Moon as a time to get rid of bad chemical treatments, lengthenings that have already lost their shape – and their charm -, and to take care of the nutrition of your hair.
The Waxing Moon is especially favorable: treatments for hair loss and cut maintenance.
In 2024 you will have the Waxing Moon on the following days: January 17th / February 16th / March 16th / April 15th / May 15th / June 13th / July 13th / August 12th / September 10th / October 10th / November 8th / December 8th.
Full Moon in 2024
For many people, this is the Best moon for haircuts in 2024, you should give it priority if you want a thicker, fuller, full of life look – even if with slower growth. People with fine, thinning hair feel the benefits of this period.
But wait a minute! It is good to remember that during the Full Moon people tend to feel more emotional, and impulsive feelings become part of the routine. So you know: hold back on the excitement when it’s time to dare.
It is very common that people who radicalize their looks during the Full Moon regret it later. Think very carefully and, if you think it’s convenient, ask other people’s opinion before you go out scissoring or dyeing your hair a color that is very difficult to be reversed.
Invest in more elaborate reconstructive treatments, because the effects are usually intensified during this phase of the Moon. During Full Moons in the signs of Leo and Virgo this power is even greater.
The Full Moon is especially favorable for: cuts for voluminous or curly hair, hydration and nutrition of the hair.
In 2024 you will have the Full Moon on the following days: January 25th / February 24th / March 25th / April 23rd / May 23rd / June 21st / July 21st / August 19th / September 17th/ October 17th / November 15th / December 15th.
Best moon for haircuts in 2024: Waning Moon
Another phase of renewal, the Waning Moon is indicated for people who suffer from hair loss or sensitized strands – either by chemicals or vitamin deficiency. A haircut in this phase helps eliminate weakened hair and makes room for the growth of stronger, healthier hair.
Despite the strengthening, the Waning Moon makes hair grow thinner and slower. Therefore, nothing better than dedicating yourself to nourishing and hydrating your hair and scalp. Be careful with chemicals during this phase, since you are in a period of transition and hair recovery.
If you have a lot of hair and want to reduce it, it is worth getting a haircut during the Waning Moon to change your look and tame unruly hair.
The Waning Moon is especially favorable for: cuts for fine and straight hair, and hair coloring.
In 2024 you will have the Waning Moon on the following days: January 3rd / February 2nd / March 3rd / April 1st / May 1st / May 30th / June 28th / July 27th / August 26th / September 24th / October 24th / November 22nd / December 22nd.
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