Rider-Waite: the most popular tarot deck in the world

Rider-Waite tarot deck was the first one to redesign the tarot cards for divination purposes in 1909. If you are new to the practice of tarot divination, this deck will probably be the perfect one to begin, because most tarot card decks base their meanings on the Rider-Waite deck.
Some people are fascinated with the intricate symbolism of tarot, the card meanings and the way to proper convey nuanced messages. That’s why you should know the Rider-Waite deck.
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The major characteristics of Rider-Waite’s tarot deck
To make it as simple as possible, first you should know that tarot cards are very similar to the traditional playing card deck. Instead of figures like clubs, hearts, spades and diamonds, these cards are designed with images, which are the centerpiece of each card along with numbers and words printed on their corners and sides.
According to the information we gathered, the first tarot deck for divination purposes was designed in the 18th century and later refined by the Rider card company in the 19th – which came to be known as the Rider-Waite tarot deck.
The imagery on the Rider-Waite tarot deck is based on the ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth rather than the Christian imagery that was prevalent on card decks at that time.
This deck – which is the most common and updated modern tarot deck set – has 78 cards, 22 major arcana cards and 56 minor arcana. Each one of them are related to the the different states and stages of a human life and can provide insight into the past, present and future based on the skills of the deck interpreter.
Let’s take a look to the general meaning of the Rider-Waite’s major arcana.
Rider-Waite deck: general meaning of the major arcana
The Fool: tis card has no number. It is the only major arcana card that is not defined numerically. The Fool represents the eternal traveler who travels the world without ties or nationality. In the strict meaning that many readers give it, this card represents a fool who walks without purpose towards their destruction.
The Magician: is the Arcana card of mysticism, concentration, and creative impulse. It can be associated with the idea of principle and also with the first articulated sound (a) that, according to tradition, expresses strength, cause, activity, and power.
The High Priestess: is the Arcana tarot card of Wisdom and Receptive Principle. It is the Mother, celestial wife, lady of esoteric knowledge, the Priestess or the Popess. It represents the passage between the exterior and the interior.
The Empress: this arcana is adorned with symbols attributed to triumphant femininity. She is the Christian Madonna, the wife of the king or mother of the hero, and the primordial goddess of all matriarchal rites.
The Emperor: it is considered the card of authority, paternity and obedience. This card symbolizes the dominating father, base of all construction, influential power over the material world, husband, sexual power, family boss, and pacifying force.
The Pope/The Hierophant: represents the gateway to a higher spiritual consciousness, practiced through ritual and learned by trusted word and example. While The Magician points us in the right direction, The Hierophant takes us by the hand and leads us to spiritual growth. He is a tool, so to speak, to be used as a guide that can connect us with the sacred divine.
The Lovers: the Lovers card represents the bond between two people. It reflects not only a passionate desire for one another (physical aspect), but also a deeper connection between the two (a true spiritual bond).
The Chariot: The Chariot Card is closely related to victory and overcoming opposition through intuition, confidence, and carefully controlled actions.
Justice: the sword that is drawn with the right hand and the scale that we observe are indicative of a figure that does not allow to be corrupted. When this card appears, it indicates that in your specific situation, the decision that is most fair and just will be the decision made.
The Hermit: the Hermit wears a blue tunic that symbolizes control of passion through reason.
The Wheel of Fortune: this card reflects an energy of new beginnings, a change in fortune, luck, turning points, taking chances, life cycles, destiny, outside influences, and karma.
Strength: it represents a balance of animal, human, and divine instincts and actions. It teaches you that you have the inner strength to tame the “beasts” within yourself, and you are in complete control of your world and manifested reality.
The Hanged Man: indicate a time of indecision, and needing to suspend any action until a decision is made. If you feel a sense of urgency to take action, the best thing to do is to wait on it.
Death: when the Death card shows itself in a tarot reading, it brings along the message that we always have the ability to transform our reality. We must always remember that pain is temporary, and we all have the innate capacity to rise above adversity and create a new way of thinking.
Temperance: it reflects balance and moderation with patience. It can signify many things, including a sense of coordination, flexibility, adaptation, and cooperation with external influences. This may mean either you are learning to, or you have started to, accomplish this.
The Devil: in matters of the heart, this card can mean an unfulfilled desire, a devastating passion or a violent and transient relationship.
The Tower: the Tower symbolizes commotion. The characters that are falling represent the selfishness and pride that let them be affected by the situation they are in.
The Star: the Star reflects an energy of strength and embracing the divine qualities of yourself to shine like the star you are. When this card appears, know you must be confident in your natural abilities and spiritual growth to achieve divine balance of the sacred wisdom that resides within all of us.
The Moon: The Moon card is related to intuition, the night, the shadows, mystery, and the feminine essence. This card means “False Illusions”. According to this, you should be careful with less positive energies and illusions that may arise.
The Judgment: when this card comes out in a reading it indicates that our thoughts, words and deeds are being judged in the subtle spheres.
The World: this card represents the deserved reward for all the efforts you have made, and indicates that you will reap good fruit from your work, dedication and commitment.
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